Expression Number 5 Personality in Details

Definition: The one who changes the society.
Astrological link: Taurus and Leo
Tarot card link: Hierophant, the maker of laws

5 is by far the most misunderstood number in numerology. The claim is that the people who have it as their expression number are always looking for thrill and they are naturally extroverted. Honestly speaking, it is only in appearance. Sure 5 is ruled by Mercury and fire, but it does not mean that the carriers can't think of anything, but parties and that they are always making choices on a whim. The two elements actually make them more energetic than most. Mercury is the epitome of intellectualism. That is why, the 5's have a tendency to go deeper into topics of their interest and come up with theories that look bolder to many.

Fire element, on the other hand, allows them to master the art of making things interesting and entertaining. People find it intriguing, instantly accepting the fact that 5's are extroverted geniuses. Do you see where the problem is? 5's are not truly as stormy as most numerologists like to claim. They can be reserved like any other introverted person, but when it comes to projects of their interest, they are one step ahead of others. They give a tough competition to people of expression number 1.

Five in Numerology
As hinted earlier, 5's are very daring. But somehow their root is always tied to the society. They are extremely good at understanding the needs and wants of humans, and without further ado, they embark on fulfilling them. This sometimes gains them the title of middleman connecting people to something that was once unknown. In plain words, they are the trendsetters and that is also in such a big way that they can bring about complete change to the entire society. It is just that they are so good at presenting their new finding or object that almost all in the community conclude that it is a must-have.

5's crave for recognition, most often targeting the number one position of their chosen field. Not being able to achieve it is not an issue for them. They can still stay on track while looking for other ways to get to it. In business, law, entertainment and fashion, 5's have the most luck. In those fields, they are far more capable than others in setting the trends. But major success to them comes only when they focus on serving a specific portion of the society. If the focus gets broader they may end up struggling in their chosen field.

5's are generally very well aware of their energy and skills. They enjoy using all of them. However, they must always guard themselves against overconfidence, for this has a tendency to amplify bubbles of clouded judgement in their minds, making them unable to assess the genuine power of their competitors including dark horses.

More often than not 5's become victims of thieves. This is expected, but do note that the carriers have zero tolerance for such people and thus, will not mind taking them to court. The irony of the play is that 5's themselves are prone to declining laws imposed upon their lives.

Thanks to the influence of mercury and fire, 5's are naturally bold initiators and strongly persuasive in love. That is why, it is easy for them to quickly catch the attention of those they romantically admire. Yet to some extent, they are experimental. At young age, they may collect  a wide variety of sexual encounters in their pouch. They are not necessarily players despite the fact that commitment is not their top priority. Even for conservative 5's, some upheavals do exist in their earlier relationships for which we can assume that they will have many partners in their lifetime. In fact, it may take several years before they can decide to finally settle down and when they do it, they make sure that the partner chosen does not invade their personal space.

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