Common Side effects Linked to Subliminals

Subliminals work far better than most manifestation techniques known to men. But they do come with various side effects. The ones listed below are reported commonly by the sub users. Although many in the community have positive view towards most of these remember your wellbeing should be your first priority.

Don't let anyone force or guilt trip you into accepting those that give you discomfort. Subs can be created and uploaded to Youtube literally by anyone. Consequently, do not expect the affirmations to have medical standard. Please see a doctor or stop listening to subs if you feel the side effects are toxic for you.

Depression: It signals that the sub you are using has harmful affirmations or are extremely incompatible with your belief system.

Detachment from reality: This can be caused by some subs programmed to detach the listener from the result.

Nausea: Too much listening to subs can cause this followed by hot weather and the fact that you need a break.

Thirst: It signals that your brain is absorbing more affirmations than it can handle.

Dizziness: It signals that your brain is absorbing more affirmations than it can handle. Subs that have a number of voices can also cause dizziness. It is completely okay to not listen to them.

Vibration/Tingling in the body: This is taken as a positive response.

Feeling something is stuck in the throat: Strong subs tend to cause this. In my experience the entire thing can leave the throat in extreme pain. Stop listening to the sub if the pain starts to get severe.

Headache: You are making your brain overwork or you are not using your headphones correctly.

Dry skin: Too much listening to subs can cause this followed by hot weather. It typically signals that you need a long break from subs. The dryness can be felt under the eyes. It may also trigger itchiness.

Bleeding nose: This is a sign of dehydration or other issues.

Chest pain: This is caused by strong and ideal reality subs.

Abdomen pain: This is caused by strong and ideal reality subs.

Greying of hair: Too much listening to subs can cause this. Keep eyes on your hair color.

Pain in the region you are targeting for benefits: Some consider this to be a positive response, but you should still stay careful.

Total collapse: Reported mostly by ideal reality sub listeners.

It is best especially for patients of migrain and epilepsy to stay away from this kind of manfestation technique. The headache side effect should not be taken lightly. Failure to be responsive to it may result in more severe pain resembling real head injury. Lasting for days, it can ruin sleep and affect mobility.

The Problem of Negative Entities

Some subliminals are prone to inviting negative entities to users. They may show up as shadow figures and invisible crawling bugs. If you are in bed with your eyes closed you may feel their weight and walking steps. Some may jump over you and then suddenly disappear into your body. Later they may give you any of the side effects we have above.

Don’t fear. Contrary to popular belief, you are the one with remote control in your hand. Usually, these entities imitate the thoughts that occur in the human mind. To them, you are boring if you are a positive person with love or neutrality in your heart. You can completely get rid of these guys by listening to this sub:

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