Certain Dreams Can Predict Future Events

Having dreams while asleep is something too normal. But maybe not for all! There are several people on this planet who get a glimpse of the past and even future events through their dreams.They see things from the days when they were not yet born. They see things that would take place somewhere in the near future.

Interestingly, the issues shown in these dreams range from wars to personal catastrophes. Can we take it as natural? Perhaps, yes! In general, such dreams are known as clairvoyant dreams. In schools of occult science, it is believed that the sky keeps footprints of the past and future. They named these footprints akashic records. The word akashic is derived from the South Asian word akash which in English means sky.

Many psychics claim that in awakening state they can easily tap into akashic records to help their clients. It is possible for many people to have psychic power. Astrologically, water signs like Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer are said to be naturally psychic.

With help from certain tools, they can make the ability more powerful. For others, dreaming in sleep is the only way to get a hold of those records.Most often this power is inherited from a parent. Science has tried its best to come up with a valid answer to explain clairvoyant dreams. Some experts have said that there is nothing big about it and that we humans are actually programmed to figure out which dreams might come true. In short, they believe that we give into probability. Scientists who still have second thought about akashic records believe that information about many future events are truly available in the universe and at a specific state, the brain can actually retrieve them. Many other explanations have been put forward. Yet the dreams of the past and future remain a topic of debate.Unfortunately, we cannot take the idea of probability very seriously because clairvoyant dreams are very different from the normal ones.

If you really wish to figure out if you are having clairvoyan dreams try to analyze whether they include a voice in the background declaring it to be coming true. Secondly, you can rely on your own inner feelings to understand its validity. There is no way they will lie to you. A rare fact that is worth mentioning here is that in some cultures and religions, it is believed that clairvoyant dreams come specifically during the morning time. Do take that into consideration as well.

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