Gift Box Decoration: 3D Stickers Far Better than Bows!

Did you ever have trouble finding a bow that fits the tiny gift box of a pair of earrings, brooch or necklace? Even when you get one do you find it difficult to handle the box with it? What about the ribbon?

We can surely use it in place of bow, but tying it is also complicated because of its slipperiness. We can avoid all such problems with a simple 3d sticker. Do not mistake it for the one found in a 5 year old kid’s diary.

This is the sticker made for adults and mostly used in scrapbooking. Actually, scrapbook hobbyists call it embellishment. Whatever the name is, arts and craft stores, sells it in multiple varieties. Michaels usually has them on sale. At dollar stores, they are even cheaper. No worries about quality. They all perform far better than bows.
If the gift recipient is your mom or any other older lady, try picking a flower sticker. It looks classy and also adds more warmth to the gift. For romantic gifts, mostly the roses and daisies do the magic. How you wish to use it is up to you. I noticed that the sticker can go even without ribbons. But sometimes I prefer the glossy ones beneath the flower to give the box formal appearance.   

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