10 Interesting Things From Astrology and Its History

In a broader sense, astrology mainly is connected to 12 sun signs. They remind us of the general personality traits and horoscopes. Very little we investigate on its history and core. This post is dedicated to just them. Its main aim is to let readers discover a few facts and also theories that are no more in use today. So here we go:

1. Today, Aries is said to represent the ram. But there was a time, when it was known as the lamb. It should not matter though. While ram is just the adult male sheep, lamb is the baby. Since Aries is a masculine sign, the adult version fits it best.
2. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius once were given the name, whole or perfect signs. Astrologers do not take this into account anymore.

3. Certain astrologers look into the natal charts of various nations to predict what will happen to their economy, culture or politics. This is actually known as mundane astrology. But there was a time when it was titled as judicial.

4. A woman holding a scale is the sign of Libra. But the truth is that it is based on imagination. In the real Libra constellation, there is only a scale and no female figure at all.

5. Cardinal Signs such as Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are said to be initiators. Thus, the other term given to them in astrology is movable signs.

6. Scorpio is not only represented by a scorpion, but also by eagle and snake. Astrologers basically claim that this specific sign has the most complicated pictorial representation.

7. The word zodiac is linked to terms such as circle of life or circle of animals. Its idea and 12 signs were generated in Mesopotamia.In fact, the gods representing them come from its society.

8. Among cardinal signs, while Aries is said to have the least amount of staying power, Capricorn is claimed to have the most or highest staying power.
9. A person who has more fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) in his natal chart is marked as choleric in astrology.
10. It is believed in astrology that strongest and most stubborn zodiac signs are Aquarius and Scorpio. You must be thinking now about Taurus being stubborn. Sure it is, but since the sign is ruled by Venus it can easily melt like ice cream. 

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