3 Ways You Can Use Orange Peels to Get Rid of Bugs

Rich in Vitamin C, soluble fiber and potassium, orange has long been highlighted as one of the healthiest fruits. Its peels have also gained popularity for yummy marmalade and  ability to boost zest of other foods.  In skin care, they are not far behind. In powdered form, they are known to remove tan.

But did you know they can also keep bugs at bay? In the first section of this post, we will take a look at them. Then we will have instructions on how to dry out the peels and turn them into powder right at home.

Shoo away bugs from drawers by throwing in some peels: This comes from my aunt. Let’s call it effective homemade potpourri. The technique of making it is very simple, but no we should not directly throw the pills in them. She recommends putting the peels in a drawstring pouch and leaving it in the drawer.

The result of this will be bug free scented clothes. This is what I found out from following the tip. Drawstring pouch is available in almost every store. Check your cupboard just in case you have one. Sometimes certain skin care samples, jewelry and small gifts come in such pouch.

Force the mosquitoes to leave by burning orange peels: If you want to save your loved ones from mosquito bites, try burning orange peels. Yes, even mosquitoes hate their smell.  But do note that the oil found in the peel is flammable. Hence, caution must be taken. It is best to have this option preserved for outdoor meals or camping. Orange peel can also be rubbed onto skin for similar result, but it does irritate the skin.

Prevent ants from coming to your house by using a solution made from orange peel: Those who prefer killing ants with detergent water can skip this. But just letting you know that pureed orange peel mixed in water can do the same job. The process is little time consuming in the sense that it requires a spray bottle, blender and peels of more than one orange.

How to dry out the orange rinds and turn them into powderThis can be done in two ways.  If you want to go the traditional way, place the peels on a tray and allow it to sit under the hot sun for days. Before the evening, always bring it inside the house to prevent dew formation. Moisture should never be allowed around the peels as it can give them molds. Also if you are planning to use them in skin care recipes even under the sun make sure the tray is covered with aluminum foil or transparent lead of your choice. This will keep the peels clean. By the way, the heat of aluminum foil can actually speed up the process of drying.

The second option we have is oven. This is good for all those who are busy with work. However, here we need to be careful with the temperature of the oven. Low heat is recommended. Otherwise, the peels will burn.

Once the peels start to look crispy they can be transferred into a personal blender to start the powder making process. You can also go for mortar and pestle. The orange peels will not completely turn into flour like powder. Some solid particles will remain visible. This will not have any negative impact on the use.

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