How to Clean Mascara Stains from Your Eye Makeup (Damage Free Trick)

The liquid of the mascara is sometimes too thin. Besides, the wand is not always controllable. These two problems can discharge mascara stain on your eyelids.

Think for a moment how disappointing it is especially when eye shadow work is already done. Of course, you will try to take care of this problem with water, but wait; this is going to remove a portion of your eye makeup also. Too much will finally ruin the entire work. The best thing to do, therefore, is to not just go there. Then how do we take care of the problem? There is another method that you can actually utilize and that is also without the worry of ruining anything at all.

The method is an extremely quick fix. I have been using this method long enough to almost swear by it. Even I was surprised how it did not come in my head in the beginning of my makeup wearing days. The most common eye-shadows we use come in powder tablet form.

Their cases always include tip applicators. Save them even if you are more used to brushes. If you wish you can also just get a box of them. It does not matter whether they are cheap or expensive.  During a time when you get all disappointed by the mascara stain, they will turn out to be your best friends. This is what you need to do in order to get one of them to remove that thing from your beautiful eye makeup:

1. As soon you see the stain on your eye makeup, take out your tip applicator.

2. From the eye shadow case, find the shade that you have on your eyelids.

3. Sweep that specific shade with your tip applicator.

4. Last, apply it to the spot where you have the stain. As you do this, you will notice the mascara color disappearing. This is it. Your eye makeup now will go back to its original shape.

There will be times when you might use eye pencil. If the stain ends up on it you can get rid of it by following the above technique. But make sure that instead of the pencil you are using powdered eye shadow. The pencil will actually spread the stain more. Thus, you will end up with dark shade around your eyelid. In brief, this will destroy your original eye makeup.

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