Things That Prove That You Are Taking Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend for Granted

Love is beautiful. When it comes from the person we desire most the world itself turns into a paradise. At least this is how the poets explain love. But in the real world, we are just humans who sometimes end up making mistakes. Unfortunately, this includes taking the love of our partner for granted. But how do we really know that we are really committing this crime? The answer lies in our heart.

Only thing we need to do is to realize it. Just take a look the points given below. They will basically explain to you everything about taking love for granted.

Using harsh words: 
Yes, some of us cannot keep our anger in check. But in a relationship, every time we argue with our partners in an aggressive way we hurt them severely.  It is just that sometimes our own selfishness gets so overwhelming that we overlook their sensitivity. We simply expect them to be okay with every bad thing we utter against them. I actually have seen my friends use words like “you retard”, you dumbo” and “son of a bitch” against their boyfriends right in public places. This is wrong. Just because they love us does not mean that they have become our slaves. Try to put yourself in their shoes and make an attempt to cheer them up with an apology. Perhaps, their hurt feeling will not go away easily, but they will at least realize that you have understood how you were wrong.

Not appreciating them for the things they do for us:

Research has shown that a relationship which consists of appreciations tends to be more successful than all the others. Keep that in mind. Yes, sometimes when we get too comfortable in a relationship we forget certain lines like “thank you” or just think that such thing makes us too formal which we should not be with our partner. But the truth is that there is really nothing wrong in being formal in a relationship. It actually shows that you still value the things that your partner does for you.

Not saying I love you in between: 
Many people think that once a relationship starts, the partner becomes a robotic part of it. In other words, he or she is bound to stay and thus, saying I love you is not necessary anymore. Wrong! Those three lines keep the security of the relationship stable. Of course, action speaks louder than words, but nothing can work better than the powerful “I love you”.

Two partners stay more comfortable in a relationship when they share similar values about life. For generations, it has been emphasized over and over again. But many of us do not understand it. We end up going in relationship with people who do not think our values match with theirs.  When clashes occur we demand that they change their ways to fit ours. This usually occurs in interracial relationships. But remember that love is all about accepting a person for who he or she is. Failure to do so just proves that we have not really loved them for who they are.

In conclusion, it is okay to love, but it is not okay to take it for granted. We must always be aware of the fact that our partner is not our pet, but a human. At the same time, we must fall in love with a person blindly and expect that they will change themselves for us. 

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