Research Proves that Green or Black Tea Containing Caffeine is Most Beneficial for the Skin

Multiple studies have shown that tea of color green or black is good for skin. It does not only guard it against the harmful rays of the sun, but also keeps it wrinkle free. However, green tea is said to be more advantageous than the black one.

Now many of us do not like tea containing caffeine. One reason behind this is that we do not want our sleep to be disturbed. That is why, today, we have decaffeinated tea in the market. You know the companies wish to fulfill everyone's need?

Unfortunately, research done in 1997 proved that this decaffeinated green or black tea is less effective in protecting the skin against environmental damages and this includes cancer causing rays. To make things worse, it leads to more harm than good.  Just click the screenshot below to see the evidence.

Bottom-line is that if we want to gain benefits from green or black tea we have to make sure that it contains caffeine. The decaffeinated one serves no purpose. Yet if we choose to go with it we will have to bear in mind that it will only gratify our taste buds and nothing else.

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