How to Read A Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Crush By Looking Into Their Eyes

Just as hands give signals and mouth expresses words, eyes imply what the mind exactly is thinking. Yes, eyes do communicate, but only difference is that it is usually in veiled silence. Today’s post is just about that. But no, we will not turn into poets or artists to glorify their beauty or learn how to draw various eye expressions. Instead we would learn how to translate what they say in love and relationships.How will it be of value to you?

Well, by using it, you will be able to study the thought patterns of your crush and partner very easily and thus, you will be able to better understanding their personality and the feelings them have towards you. If needed just print out or bookmark this page for future reference. So here we go now:

  • Dilated eyes: The meaning of dilated eyes is enlargement of pupils. It usually occurs when we see something lovely. So when your crush or date sees you for the first time look into their eyes to figure out if their pupils have grown larger. This is basically a sign that they have got highly attracted to you. I actually did an accidental experiment of this on my boyfriend when we first talked in the class while working as a team for a project. When I was introducing myself to him his eyes really got dilated.
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    • Eye contact lasts at least 5 seconds: This is basically a sign that your crush or date is taking greater interest in you. In other words, they have a greater amount of attraction towards you.
    • Avoiding eye contact at all costs: This can be read as a dislike, discomfort or feeling insecure. Whatever it is, the point is that you are not making them feel good. Otherwise, they are trapped in some kind of issue and thus, want to be left alone.
    • When you are talking they start to explore their surrounding: This point is also for the people who are in a relationship. When you are talking away and your partner or love interest starts exploring their surrounding it is a sign that they are not really listening to you. The concentration is broken because they have got bored of what you are saying.
    • During a conversation their blinking rate speeds up: When talking humans blink at least 5 to 8 times per minute. But if your love interest is blinking more than that while conversing with you then it basically means that he might be covering up something from you or making up a lie. The problem is that they are feeling insecure about what they are saying. Here their increased blinking rate is basically implying that they have a fear of getting caught.
    • As you talk they lower their gaze: A love interest would do this in front of you to let you know that they respect you. Another meaning of this is that they are letting you dominate themselves.
    • When a right-handed love interest is talking to you they slightly look up and to the left: This is a sign that they are remembering something real to tell you about their past, job, education or any other topic of your discussion. The left-handed people, however, will look to their right in this situation.
    • When a right handed love interest look up and to the right: This implies that they are making up something in their mind to tell you. In case of left handed lovers, the direction will be left.
    • When a right handed love interest looks down and to the right: This means that they are trying to feel some kind of emotions. For this similar task, the left handed person will look down and to the left.
    • When the right handed love interest looks down, but to the left: This basically signals that they are busy talking to themselves in the head. For a left-handed person, the direction will be down and to the right.

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